martie 18, 2018

Services & Articles

Psychotherapy and personal development

Psychotherapy is a form of treatment, a psychological therapy, which is mainly done through speech and is intended to help the client to clarify his psychological problems and to gradually acquire or rediscover the ability to solve the difficulties he faces. in emotional and relational life.

Individual therapy

Individual psychotherapy involves a „one-on-one” meeting between a person in emotional distress and a psychotherapist. The purpose of these meetings can be multiple and involve self-knowledge and the development of skills that will make it easier for us to get through difficult times in life.

Couple therapy

Sometimes it becomes very difficult to realize why we are hurting so much by a certain behavior of the other person or why he / she does not understand our suffering. Sometimes we are the ones who want to change to improve the relationship, but we do not succeed. Many times we simply do not know how to make ourselves understood, what we want to communicate to the other gets distorted to him and from here conflicts arise that seem unsolvable, or we simply give up and choose to suffer in silence.


Write to me about your problems and I will help you

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